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You've undoubtedly followed with some interest the famous debate on the burqa, the "veil" as his detractors like to call, because with this term, we quickly made the connection with the critics Islam in general.
Yes to no difference between them and burqa veil, which are only visible symbols of the status of women in Muslim countries.
Politically it is the perfect subject:
By clearly positioning against the burqa you attract a share of the praise droitdelhommistes left, still looking for a fight like Don Quixote and windmills ...
other go right you will also support in his quest to Islamophobic franchouillard ranks of Le Pen.
A subject so perfectly "bankable" in the air.
There is where we expected hordes of ghosts are ready to pour into our country finally found less than 400 poor unfortunate that most have chosen the clothes themselves , according to universal principles force in our democracy ...
Less than 400 women wore the full veil in France
Yes, but here it is, democracy is good but not too much, we must educate these women and make them understand that they are only slaves in the service of an ideology medieval ...
It is up to them to finally be freed from their chains, to proudly display a string string or a tank top with scalloped breasts visible.
When she look like their favorite porn actress, makeup exuberant, mini-skirt and low-rigor seyants nets, they can finally contemplate their former condition with an informed view:
This will be the end of their bondage They are finally free and can be added to the endless stream of hysterical consumers, models of feminist ultimate fashion ...
The comic Caroline Fourest be revising its figures, which she was counting on tens of thousands of women trapped in their niqab ... What
guignolerie ... Finally we are no longer the first, for this purpose:
I propose that the National Assembly to consider a draft law on wearing a string before the majority.
In the interest of public health, this being an oppressive instrument of the paraphernalia of the rapists, in order also aesthetic visions of being inconvenienced by these perpetual in the streets, these young women (sometimes very young) are hundreds of thousands THEM.
That may have seemed less con.
For posterity, this debate will be allowed to sell a lot of paper (toilet), find drop-off points for editorialist sore subjects enticing ...
And for politicians everything that can mask the crisis it's all good!
And if one day we invaded and the Taliban if women are forced to wear this thing, do not worry there will be always the American army to come and deliver us (provided you have stuff to their refourguer course, primarily oil)! Ask
Afghan great job they are doing! (Well it's true some "smearing" anyway ...)
The Florentine
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