Sunday, April 19, 2009

Order Of Serice For Catholic Confirmation

Freemasonry seen by Emile Zola

Who uses the tool and what purpose it continues?

For our friends Freemasons, and others, I deliver a letter from Emile Zola, quite critical about the real foundation of this organization, you form your opinions ... For my part of echoes, some would say rumors have reached me, whereby it seems that Freemasonry is still suffering the excesses described by Zola, this of course does not question the sincerity of some members, but it is always good to know which is followed which is being used ... this of course applies to political movements, religious or other ...
Good reading.

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The testimony of Emile Zola
At his conversion, Emile Zola wrote the following testimony, dated April 18, 1896 Rome, However, allowing us to doubt the good feelings of Freemasonry and the merits of the "red crystal" emblem of the ICRC . Abbot Claude Pellouchoud.
"I, the undersigned, former Grand Master of the headquarters, and also a former High Priest (Hierophant) and Ruler Supreme and Super-Comthur "(holder of an Order of upper class), founder of a Masonic Order in Egypt and its Lodges, I hereby declare that I 've been for 30 years as a member of the sect Freemasons for 12 years the Supreme Sovereign of the Order and have had ample time to learn carefully and thoroughly and learn the project and referred the College continues

- It provides for an institution purely philanthropic, philosophical and liberal, who seeks the truth and the advancement of morality and whose object is also science, art and charity.
- It gives assurance to behave with equal tolerance of various confessions, that questions of religion and politics are definitely not discussed in the meetings of the College.
- And, again, the College claims that Freemasonry is not a religious sect, but a Hall of Justice, Mercy and Love of neighbor.

As against this, I declare that Freemasonry is no ce pour quoi elle se donne. Tout le bien qu’on prétend trouver dans ses lois, ses rituels, ce n’est pas vrai. C’est le plus éhonté des mensonges et rien de plus ; tout ce bavardage sur ces vertus hypocritement professées, à savoir : la justice, la miséricorde, la bienfaisance et l’amour, elles sont introuvables soit dans les loges, soit dans les cœurs des Francs-maçons , vu que ces vertus leur sont tout à fait étrangères – à peu d’exceptions près – et ne sont pas du tout exercées par eux. – La vérité n’a pas de place dans la Franc-Maçonnerie et elle est complètement Brothers of the foreign chambers. In the Order Freemason prevails a lie that will stop at nothing and will reign under the guise of the hypocritical truth, deception and bad faith in which chain links the people of the error frivolous.

I affirm that Freemasonry is a religious sect whose goal is to destroy all existing religions and settle in their place and bring together the world's ancient cult idols.
Now that I am totally convinced that he had been for 30 years in error, I recognized what the whole system is based freemason, and after spreading this doctrine and have led others to spread, so that a large mass of people followed me wrong, I repent sincerely.
Enlightened now on it by God, I'm aware of all the evil I have committed by that, because of what I reject Freemasonry and stand aloof, admitting my mistakes with repentance before the Church. I ask pardon of God for all the evil which I gave an example during the time of my membership in the Order of Freemasonry, and implore our Sovereign Shepherd, His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, forgiveness, and also from anyone that I drew some way wrong. "

Source: Rev. Claude Pellouchoud


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