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Julien Soufir , Franco-Israeli who killed a taxi driver in May 2007 in Jerusalem, only because he was Arab, is about to be released a month after his detention in a mental asylum Israeli reveals Nehemia Shtrasler, journalist Haaretz. We recall that this same man is suspected to be the one who stabbed, April 7, 2002 in Paris, a police commissioner who had the misfortune to oppose ratonnade. And it would send it back "make a new life in Paris"? It is urgent to oppose it.
"He did nothing more than to kill an Arab.
Soufir Julien wants to be left out. It does not even understand why he is kept in the psychiatric hospital Abarbanel. He says he is healed and feels great. His doctors say he has made progress and should be out in a few months. But it already requires less stringent conditions because shall immediately be surety for him. After all, Easter is the celebration of freedom and he did nothing more than to kill an Arab.
In May 2007, Soufir decided to murder an Arab. He hated her whole being. He hated how joyful and passionate about their Friday prayers at the Dome of the Rock in the place of our Temple Mount.
emigrated from France, Soufir had served in the Israeli army. He had undergone medical examinations military without showing any signs of mental illness. However, after a short period in the army, he began to say he wanted to kill Arabs and has been demobilized. Shortly before the murder, he had threatened to kill his wife and was sent to hospital for observation Abarbanel, but he issued a health bulletin positive and exit permits.
He wanted to kill an Arab - any Arab. is why he hailed a taxi to Jerusalem, hoping the driver would be Arabic. But he was a Jew. The second taxi driver was also a Jew. In the third test, he stopped a taxi driven by an Arab named Tayseer Karaki. He asked take him to Netanya, where he took in the apartment of his brother a long kitchen knife. He Karaki said to take him to his apartment in Tel Aviv. Once there, he was invited to ride. "I'll make coffee and you pay," he assured her. Karaki accepted and entered; Soufir was then hit from 24 stab wounds.
few hours later, Soufir told investigators that he had experienced anything while he was hitting Karaki in the back and throat, and it was like "an animal down because a animal has no soul . Karaki killing did not inspire guilt. The woman driver and five children were left without a husband, no father, no livelihood, but Soufir not worried about it for a second.
What would have happened in the reverse situation, if an Arab was killed in cold blood a Jewish driver? Has anyone dared to consider declare him unfit to stand trial and send him home? We would first shaved his house, his family and subjected to interrogation on suspicion of complicity, and we have finally thrown in jail.
Nevertheless, last month the panel of judges led by Sara Dotan ruled that Julien Soufir was unfit to stand trial and therefore it would not be incarcerated. She read off quickly and without raising his voice so that those who were present at the hearing could barely hear a word. This may indicate that the decision to put her uncomfortable. It took several minutes Karaki family to understand that Soufir had been declared "insane", and then started wailing.
The problem with this ruling is that Soufir knew very well what he was. He was sane enough to choose an Arab driver instead of a Jew. He knew what kind of knife away from home and how to attract Karaki in his apartment, where he has murdered in cold blood.
It is clear that he was able to differentiate between right and wrong. He has chosen not to terminate her own life - is it not sufficient evidence that he was sane enough to stand trial? Instead, he was declared "insane" and he now expects to resume a new life in Paris.
A series of shootings recently hit the United States. A gunman has killed thirteen immigrants to Binghamton and committed suicide. Another has killed eight in a nearby suburb of Omaha and was killed himself. One student killed five of his friends at the University of Northern Illinois before killing himself. Those were really lost - they ended by removing themselves. While Soufir was able to distinguish his own fate from that of the Arab driver.
Nehemia Shtrasler
Haaretz, 10/04/2009
source: http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article3988
See the reaction of his wife after the murder:
http://www.infolive.tv/fr/infolive.tv-5388-israelnews lepouse-Julien-de-se-suffering confides infolive-tv
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