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Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes has probably launched its most frightful warning stating that Obama administration prepares to create terrorist attacks to declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections , all of why they demonize their political opponents as criminals and terrorists.
Alan Keyes is best known for his performances in the Republican presidential debates of 2000, during which he was declared winner by several media following a series of debates with George W. Bush and John McCain.
"Obviously they will stop at nothing" Keyes said while attending a reception in Fort Wayne. He added: " We could wake up one day in the middle of a series of terrorist attacks, [and] the economy will be paralyzed ... martial law is declared throughout the U.S. and it will be lifted only when the crisis ends. "
Keyes said that Americans should be grateful if ever another election to be held in 2012. He added: "If we do not wake up and if it does not make efforts to see what is happening, [then] we will not see another election. "
" The few remaining time where they still believe they can get away with it, they will use it and end this system of government and it is their intention, "said Keyes added, noting that everyone acts as if the present era was "something normal", which reminds him the attitude of politicians in the Weimar Republic when Hitler took power or When communism took power in Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War.
Keyes said that since most people are sane, the population believes that others [leaders] will respect the rules of the game when that is simply not the case, and added that this attitude will "forces of evil take over well before we had time to do anything.
"It is so clear that we now have a faction in place - they do not play by the rules of the game and they did not intend to play by the rules - because they respected the rules the game, they would not seek to discriminate against their opponents, "said Keyes, referring to the recent controversy surrounding report output of MIAC and Homeland Security (Homeland Security), which sub- tend that the Americans who exercise their constitutional rights and are well informed of their rights represent a threat to the implementation of the "Law on the National Law Enforcement and potential terrorists."
Keyes said that the only solution must come from the grassroots, because our leaders "are cowards who will never ask that the Constitution be strengthened so that it is clear, simple, and unequivocal, "and they respond humbly with" their lips closed and terrorized their hearts. "
Keyes has also warned that Obama's agenda calls for the creation of a civilian security force and added that this was all part of the ultimate agenda to disarm the citizens U.S. and create a police state.
Keyes has always been an ardent critic of Obama, stating that he is a radical Communist and that is determined to destroy the United States and that such plans are not stopped, then the country we know will cease to exist.
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